An e-signature is a digital equivalent of a handwritten signature. It allows individuals and businesses to sign documents electronically, making processes more efficient and convenient. Electronic Signature Online can range from simple typed names to advanced cryptographic methods so that businesses can ensure the integrity and authenticity of documents. The highest level of e-signature is a qualified electronic signature, which requires a digital certificate issued by a trusted certification authority. E-signatures are widely accepted and legally valid in India, making them suitable for a variety of purposes, including signing contracts, agreements, and other important documents.
An e-signature is a digital equivalent of a handwritten signature. It allows individuals and businesses to sign documents electronically, making processes more efficient and convenient. Electronic Signature Online can range from simple typed names to advanced cryptographic methods so that businesses can ensure the integrity and authenticity of documents. The highest level of e-signature is a qualified electronic signature, which requires a digital certificate issued by a trusted certification authority. E-signatures are widely accepted and legally valid in India, making them suitable for a variety of purposes, including signing contracts, agreements, and other important documents.
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